Saturday, September 10, 2016

Harmony Beach Resort - Backwoods SUV excursion

Driving these roads can be quite hazardous as logging trucks share usage. Scenery is exceptional.
Bridge construction is rudimentary however more than adequate as usage is shared by heavy equipment.

Almost like driving on a freeway, but not guite.

Trees and scenery at times make it difficult in paying attention to road usage.

Looking back over the landscape towards Lake Superior

This is where I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Monday, September 5, 2016

Robertson Cliffs hiking trail - near Harmony Beach

Robertson Cliffs hiking trail's are for those that are capable of moderate to difficult hikes. Distances vary from 2k to 30k and one should be prepared prior to departure. Trail is close to Harmony Creek Lakeview Lodge where we were.

This is a favourite shot and was taken at a small ( at that time ) waterfall on the trail.

Landscapes are so picturesque but stay close to the trail. Too easy to get lost.

This one is moderate and it's the climb that gives you the rating.